Take your business to the next level

With L'Estrange Digital Marketing

Your Digital Marketing & Social Media Specialist Team

Why DMS?

How We Work


Connect with existing and new potential customers using attraction marketing to establish new profitable revenue streams in your business.


Put you in front of your ideal clients and increase your brand awareness and engagement and build a relationship so your customers know, like and trust you...


We will always strive for better results, and always deliver a highly personal service. Communication and relationships with our clients are so important to us.


Grow with Us

As L'Estrange Digital Marketing, we provide bespoke and effective marketing strategy that is created specifically for your business.

About Our Founder

Digital marketing is a fascinating field, and one that I didn’t originally set out to enter.

I started my career in finance, but after over a decade, I realised it wasn’t the right fit for me. I was great with numbers, but I didn’t love working with them all day and while I enjoyed the challenge of finding creative solutions to problems, I didn’t feel like I was truly making a difference in the world.

That’s why I began L’Estrange Digital Marketing, to help small businesses grow.  Since starting the agency I’ve never looked back. Every day I get to use my creativity and my financial knowledge to help small businesses.

It’s the perfect blend of two things that I am passionate about, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Our Services


Build an online presence for your business with a modern website.

Marketing funnels take your ideal customer through a curated journey, acting as a 24 hour sales machine for your business.


Dtraffic to your business with social media advertising - built and managed for you.

Reguarly talk to your audience via social media platforms to build relationships and drive your customers to take action to interact with your business more reguarly to increase your revenue.


Boost your google ranking and position,.

Build your credibility positioning you as an expert in your field.

Build your personal brand. 

Increase the amount of people who know, like and trust
you.e and trust you.


Email marketing (newsletters and

Email Automation

Content marketing / website blogs



Data Analysis

Consulting Campaign Reporting

Client Avatar Discovery

At L'Estrange Digital Marketing, we are Fasttrack Business -

Digital Marketing School (DMS) certified.

When you worked with a certified Fasttrack Business - Digital Marketing School (DMS) consultant, you are backed by proven system that creates a predictable pipeline,

that turns on the tap to predictably drip feed new customer to your business.

Your certified DMS consultant will build in your business,

a system with assets and automation

that acts as

24/7 sales person for your business.